Notifications suddently stopped working without any config changes

Hey, John! Can you please head into your camera’s settings and verify that in your “Event Recording” menu that both “Detects Motion” and in the “Cam Plus AI Detection” or “Smart Detection” submenu that “Person Detection” is enabled?

After that, please verify in your camera’s settings > Notifications that “Wyze AI Events” is enabled, and choose if you want notifications for “All Other Motion Events” as well.


On top of notifications sometimes working mostly not - my wifi is fine having been checked multiple times for #connections and speed/strength by multiple apps and calling the provider - now one camera is controlling the the sound for all 4 cameras. If I shut sound off on one camera - see screenshot - it shuts all 4 off and if I turn sound on for 1 camera it turns them all on. I cannot control sound individually. I used to be able to control them individually. My fourth camera is inside and I don’t want sound on it but cannot turn just it off. They are not grouped, latest software -wyze and iOS - on iPhone 12 Pro and latest firmware on cameras. All have memory cards.

Received FW update notifications for my Cam Pan and V2s this morning. Has anyone else updated to the new firmware and had it fix the notification issues?

I got an update to the app - you can get rid of the stupid “try rules” button on the homepage.

Can’t see any other differences otherwise.

I get worried with updates in case they break something else!

So… after the update, my V2 cams are now sending Sound notifications, but my Cam Pan has completely stopped even recording sound events. No notifications, no event recorded. Before today’s FW update at least the AI sound events (Barking) were being recorded and notifications for that were working. But now it’s not recording any sound events at all.

I just went into the camera’s settings and toggled all of those things off and back on. Let’s see if that does anything.

After more than a year of getting Cam Plus person notifications with no problem I recently started to not get most of them. They show up in events but no notifications. On the homepage there is no red dot next to events like there used to be with new events even when they are listed. I pulled out an old phone and a tablet updated the app, uninstalled and installed app on original phone and have all three on. Either all three get the notification (rare) or none of
them get a notification. Any ideas?
Edit… They are correctly being tagged as person in events

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Hey! Can you please snag me a screenshot of your camera’s settings > Notifications menu and send it here?

@WyzeJimmy , after this morning’s firmware update, my Cam Pan’s AI seems to be gone. It’s no longer detecting Person, Pet, or Barking. It’s finally detecting non-AI sound events (mostly barking, which AI was previously marking as Barking but not anymore…it just says “sound”), but still no notifications.

Are the events being tagged as person? Or are they just motion events?

Getting person tagged events but no person notifications is different than no person tagged events.

They are getting tagged as person.


If you do not want to record sound with your indoor 4th cam turn sound off. The screenshot you show is for hearing sound during playback. Go to settings>event recording and turn the sound off.

Evidently it didn’t upload the second screenshot - it is and has been set that way already

Edit - also why does that first screen shot shut off or turn on all four. I cannot shut them off/on individually. It’s all or nothing.

I’m having the same problem.
One of my cam v2 is on the new “lite” the other two older ones are on cam plus.
Events are recording, but no notifications are being sent for the cam plus cameras, the camera that’s on “lite” works fine, records events and sends notifications.

Ooooooh. I think I know the problem here. Following up with our developers. I’ll let you know once I confirm/learn a bit more.


Okay, so I’ve learned of a design quirk.

As of right now, if you have AI notifications enabled but motion notifications disabled, we don’t send notifications if the first time the AI detection happens 6 seconds or later into the video. It has apparently always been this way to prevent super-late notifications for AI and this is a side effect. :thinking:

The team is looking into what we can do about this. Not sure if this is the cause of the notification issues for everyone here, but something to know. If motion notifications are turned on, you’ll get a motion notification first and then the AI one after as long as the detection is < 6s in.


My settings have not changed and I did not have a problem for over a year. Now I can walk out my door, immediately trigger the video which gets tagged as person and get no notification.

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Without changing anything on my Galaxy devices or any of the Wyze Cam settings, I suddenly started having no notifications, just events. This issue could’ve been started after one or more of the firmware and or app updates.

I have 2-5 each:
Cam Pan, v2, Cam Outdoor, Cam and v3, Cam Plus Pro and lite.

Please help fix this problem.

I don’t think that’s the case. Doesn’t make sense. If this were the case it would have been happening from the very beginning to everyone. This new problem started about a month ago.

I’m on my third V3 and still having the problem of not getting the AI notifications. Each camera worked at first then works on and off. Very frustrating. And I don’t believe this is the problem as the same vehicle departs and arrives in the same garage with sometimes getting notifications but most of the time not.
“As of right now, if you have AI notifications enabled but motion notifications disabled, we don’t send notifications if the first time the AI detection happens 6 seconds or later into the video. It has apparently always been this way to prevent super-late notifications for AI and this is a side effect.”

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