I just switched from Brightspeed, to lumos. With Brightspeed I disabled the router of the modem/ router combo, before I connected the mesh router. Now that I’ve switched to lumos fiber optic, I’m not sure how to connect the mesh router to it. I can’t seem to access their IP address on my computer. Can I connect the Wyze Mesh router to my lumos router with the ethernet cable, and just run it along side of it? Any help would be appreciated
Yep, generally its that simple. With your Brightspeed, you probably, most likely could just have plugged Wyze in via Ethernet cable without turning off its WiFi. These days, “daisychaining” your Wyze to the Brightspeed cable modem does not adversely impact the Wyze speed. Long ago, it might have, but most these days do not. I know that was not your question, but just wanted to use this example to compare it to what you are doing now. My point is, even if the Lumos has a built-in router, likely it will allow you to just plug the Wyze in and it will work too.
Usually, we can just plug a second manufacturer’s main router into an existing or different manufacturer’s router or cable modem/router without impacting anything. The few times it might create a problem is when by just dumb luck both are trying to use the same subnet. Its common for router manufacturer’s to use the Class 3, 192.168 subnet. I can’t do strong math, so I can’t calculate the odds that both manufactuers would assign their device to 192.168.0.x or 192.168.1.x or 250+ more. Starlink for instance use 192.168.50.x, so you can see its highly unlikely the devices on their subnet would step on most other manufacturer’s routers where the other’s more commonly use 192.168.0.x or 192.168.1.x (was that helpful?)
Not gonna lie, I don’t much understand how it works! This much I do know: The Lumos router is actually a Calix GigaSpire u6txg. The IP address is I don’t know if that helps to shed light on the situation. I do know that I can’t access the router in my browser, using the IP address. I appreciate your help.
Well, the hint is there. You shared that its a router, the fact that its got a address tells us again its a router. If you google it, it tells you its a WiFi router, as 99% of routers these days are.
I play around with extra routers to learn more. I recently bought a pair of Wyze routers. Looking at my standard install, the subnet they use is so that tells us you won’t have a conflict plugging the Wyze into a wired port on your Calix GigaSpire u6txg. So, go for it. I guess the Calix GigaSpire u6txg is up and running, because you are posting here, likely using it.
You can proceed with setting up the Wyze.
google says the Calix GigaSpire u6txg is WiFi 6E, and I google says white Wyze are 6. But its not likely you will notice a lot of difference in speed.
the u6txg appears to be a family, so can’t tell from yours what the device limit is. The Wyze white routers have a 50 device limit per and the grey 75 per. And we can’t push or move a device to a lesser used/connected one. So, not know what the Calix model is, we don’t know the limit. It could be higher than the Wyze. If you have a lot of (as many as 50-70, you could wind up with some not staying connected.
Suggestion. If you are not familiar with some of the things we covered, invest some time in YouTube and use someone’s brain to make your brain smarter. YouTube is a gold mine of useful info.
The complete model name is: Calix GigaSpire Blast u6txg GS5229XG. At least that what it shows on the label. I’ve searched, but, I can’t find info on how many devices it will support. I found the datasheet for it: https://www.nexicomsystems.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/GS5229XG.pdf