I was paying month to month and it got annoying so I purchased a year subscription. As soon as I did that, my camera stopped recording video and only alerted events, which misses most things that triggered the camera in the first place. I turned off the camera and turned it in, no change. I reported it but Wyze does not respond. Any suggestions? I might cancel my subscription and try and go back to month to month
Go into the settings for the cam, and hit the “reset services” see if that helps.
Go to Wyze Portal and select, “Accounts”. Check that your cameras are listed under, “Cameras on Plan”
The screen says No Cam-plus subscription available for user… They took my $ for a year subscription. It has a 0/1 camera on the plan and will not accept the edit on my camera
Hit reset and still no video
When’s the subscription supposed to expire? If it hasn’t, call Wyze support and have it corrected. You should have done this earlier.
I just subscribed last week.
Are you sure you subscribed under the right account? If so, just contact support, sounds like it hasn’t associated with your account properly.
Wait, that means the subscription is valid. You should be able to specify which of your cameras should be covered by the (1) license. I forgot the exact details on how to select the camera, but you should be able to.
Thanks everyone. They have terrible customer service. I will try and call tomorrow. It is the only acct associated with me and this residance
I tried several times but if I add the camera it goes back to 0/1 cameras on the acct.
I’m not sure, but maybe there’s a “Save” step? I have Cam Ultimate to I can’t see that part of the menus.
I add the camera so it says 1/1 cameras. There is a Cancel button and an Update Cameras button which I chose and it reverts to 0/1 cameras
Sounds like it may be confused and stuck on your old monthly plan or something.
To confirm you did “reset services” and not “reset camera” right?
All else fails, delete the cam from the app, clear the app cache (both within the wyze app and in your phone settings), factory reset the cam. Set it up new, and give it a slightly different name in the app so it is registered as a totally new cam. Then try re-adding it to the subscription.
Yes, I hit reset services. I am afraid if I delete the camera from the app it will nullify the account. I will try and call customer support tomorrow. Thanks for the suggestions. I really liked Wyze till now. Have a good night everyone!
Won’t do anything to the account if it has no cams in it. Your account and subscription won’t change, only the cam will get removed and re-added.
He meant to say, no cams eligible for Cam Plus, not that he has no cams registered.
I was referring to this comment
That won’t happen. Account will still exist and will still have 1 cam plus credit on it.