No sound on live video, recorded video or events for months-2024

I have had no sound for the last year snd a half. I think it changed on an update. It does not work on any android device. 2 different android phones and an 2 different android tablets. Sound works on everything but wyze cams and wyze app. I have sent ticket after ticket with no response. No sound on Wyze cam 2, Wyze cam 3’s, Pan cam or pan cam 2. At one point I had sound on recorded events but after the last update today i have no sound at all. This system is useless. Dangerous for my little dog. I cannot hear to make sure my roommates are not abusing my the little guy while i am gone. I sm so angry i could spit fire. Every android device is up to date. All cameras are up to date. The wyze app is up to date. I paid for service annually and i cannot get anyone to answer the tickets I submitted. DOES ANYONE KNOW WHERE I CAN GET THE OLD SOFTWARE I NEED TO ROLL BACK TO 2022. I HAVE NOT HAD SOUND FOR a year and a half up to now Aug-2024. i cannot get help from Wyze themselves so i am turning to users. It was never like this before they would answer and assist but this whole year nothing. So upset. I wasted so much monies on annual and all the flipping cameras. At one point the oldest cam, cam 2 had sound, it was the only one but NOT NOW… They did respond to my review on playstore but again asked for my ticket #. I provided ticket numbers. No response. I have provided past ticket numbers more than once. I called in, and again asked to send past tickets numbers submitted. Again sent in. No response I sent at least 4 sets of tickets from each individual camera and for the software/app as well. They do not answer them. I even left my phone number on each ticket.

So at this point, I am hoping a User has figured this out or can point me to 2022-2023 software. I am at my wits end and feel like i have wasted $$$$ on wyze and all of these cameras with no sound.

I checked sll settings and checked each tip once again. I am not sharing with anyone. It does not show i am sharing in the app either. My phone sound works fine accept with Wyze app-cams. Checked microphone etc in my wyze app phone settings as well. All is fine. Sound is on in settings and each individual cam setting. I am using official app not .apk from other download sites. I have changed my password multiple times in the app as well. I cleared the data in the wyze spp, uninstalled it completely, restarted, reinstalled official app again, no sound. I have updated as new updates came out. Still no sound. I will try to call the number provided otherwise i need to dump Wyze and start building on another system. I do not want cameras without sound.

No sound in events. No sound with bluetooth head phones. No sound without head phones. No sound in live viewing, no sound at any time. I used to have sound on a cam 2 but not with my bluetooth head phones. Nobe of the other cams have sound. I think bow the cam 2 has stopped. If i attempt to listen ti the sound within the app. It stops all sound. I have restart every time to get my sound back. I have provided past ticket numbers over and over. Just wasted my time for a year and s half. I will try to get an old wyze app version for last or before if i can. perhaps that will help and I can call the number you provided. I do not have high hopes.

First, you can get the previous APK file for android at APKMirror. However, this site is not owned not operated by Wyze or any of us. They store APK files for download. I would recommend you be cautious when downloading APK outside of the Google Store.

With that said, can you please provide a bit more information here to so we can try to provide some help. This is a community forum and there are a lot of individuals willing to help.

Can you please provide the following:

  1. Ticket Number when you contacted Wyze
  2. On a Camera, generate a Device Log by live streaming the camera, go to settings, then at the bottom Wyze Support, submit log from there.
  3. Camera Model you are experiencing this with, please include the Firmware version you are using
  4. Wyze App Version you are using. I know you say the latest, but there are beta apps as well and we need to know the App Version being used.
  5. When you say no sound, is it in the event video’s, Live Streaming, or both?

Do you share your cameras with anyone else? if so, could they be turning the sound off?

At the top right of the app main screen you will see a bell and a pencil, does the bell have ZZZ across it? If so, you may want to turn that off bu tapping on the bell again.

On the Cameras in question - check all, Live stream the camera, go to settings in the top right, tap on advance, scroll to the bottom and make sure Record Sound is turned on

Some things you can try for now

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I think these are logs you are submitting. Logs go straight to the developers and are not answered. I would contact our support team directly at



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