No order received, nobody answers emails. Where's the support?

I pre-ordered (2) thermostats in October. I have the order confirmation email which includes the order number. An email from Wyze in December said they have shipped. It’s the middle of January and I have no thermostats. Additionally, my account order history shows no orders were made.

Does Wyze actually have a customer service team? Don’t mean to be so forward, but Wyze clearly wants to make it difficult to remedy service issues. Does anyone have a suggestion?



Welcome to the Wyze community @cmrho!
This is primarily a user forum, it’s not constantly monitored by Wyze support.
I’d suggest using the phone number for support: (206) 339-9646 Available Monday - Friday 5 am - 6 pm PT and Saturday 8 am - 4 pm PT

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