I recently purchased a Cam Plus license for my new video doorbell, but when I attempt to apply the license in the app it says, “you need a camera” to use cam plus. The video doorbell functions perfectly otherwise. Maybe it’s because I currently have a trial license?
Welcome to the forums! Yes. Remove the trial and then you can place the year sub on the camera. A camera can only have one instance if camplus on it.
Still unable to activate cam plus license on door bell cam. free trial expired. cam plus license shows in my account, but says no camera available. firmware is current. tried restarting video doorbell and reinstalled app.
It let me apply the license today. I guess it took a day after the free license expired.
If you let the trial expire it’ll take a while for the system to catch up and “release” the camera so that another license can be applied to it. Best is to just remove the camera from the trial manually (or don’t do the trial) so you camera will be available immediately for the year license. Glad you got it working!