My deal is, I get time-sensitive deliveries working from home, and I (foolishly lol) count on an Outdoor Cam to provide notifications so I don’t miss deliveries I have to sign for.
As of 1/27’s debacle of an “upgrade” (again, lol) I no longer have those notifications, making that camera worthless to me.
(You could argue that I should “just put a live view of the camera up on a device”. But that will drain an Outdoor Cam’s batteries in no time.)
And also, something as important as Notifications on a “security” (lol) camera are something they should push a fix for in a day.
Heck, it’d be nice if they’d even admit there’s specific issues & actually update customers rather than me having to come over here & waste my time posting. Annoying AF.
And ffs, “bulbs in groups re-ordering themselves every time you close the app” is still an ongoing problem they’ve broke/fixed & now broke again. yawn