Newest version (android Samsung Ultra) doesn't save videos in gallery until reboot

Updated to the most current Android app and saw something weird. Previously whenever I recorded a video from the app three things would show in my gallery: a picture, a corrupt video, and the video. No big deal, delete the corrupt video and the picture (if I didn’t want it).

With the new version all I got was the picture. No video. Weird thing is if I rebooted the phone the video would show up.

I reverted back to the old version and turned off auto-updates

At least part of what you’re describing has apparently been reported with the v3.1 RC and production app (at this time there is apparently no release announcement, though there is a Release Notes mention), starting here:

Since you’ve already rolled back to an earlier app version and disabled automatic updates, then I guess the thing to do is probably report it in (a) relevant topic(s) and wait for an update. If you were still on the v3.1.0 Android app, then I’d recommend logging it and opening a Support ticket.

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