New wifi network

Mi wifi network has changed and has a different name. I tried to change it in the app but i couldn’t select that option. It is grey and clicking doesnt bring up any options.

If your network has a different SSID (Name) you need to set up your WYZE items again and make sure your phone/device is on the same network for set up. Or you could change the new network (SSID) name back to the old one which is what I do and then I don’t have to set anything up again, it all just connects


Thanks. I was afraid of that. So should I delete all the devices and then reintroduce them?

You do not need to delete the devices from the app. Just reset them and go through the setup process again and name it the same. It should then retain all your settings.

I only see a delete button and a restart button at tge bottom of the system menu. Where do I find reset?

The reset is on the bottom of most cameras. What WYZE items do you need to reset V1, V2, V3, V3 Pro , Cam Pan???
The battery powered WCO v1 and v2 do not have a reset button.

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Just do the setup procedure as if the camera was new. The app will realize it already knows about the “new” cameras and it will get all the settings, rules, etc that it had before.
DO NOT DELETE the camera first.

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Thanks. I have several cameras and smart plugs.

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Go to your and press the setup button. Then go to the app and click on the plus icon like you are adding a new cam. Follow the steps in the app and name the camera the same thing. I just had to do this. DO NOT DELETE THE DEVICE FIRST. I accidentally did and it bricked the camera.

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Winner, winner, chicken dinner. :slight_smile: