New 2.3 Beta App Launched

In upgrading the firmware on my two Wyze Cam V2 to the firmware (and the version before that) I noticed something that’s not a big deal but I have feedback I decided to put here instead of in the general forum even though had a lot of discussion last firmware iteration.

I upgraded my first camera and the upgrade failed but my second camera had no issues upgrading. The only difference in how I did the upgrade process was on the second go around I didn’t let my screen go black or lock during the upgrade. Perhaps this was a this was a coincidence, but I’m bringing it up because it’s been true for multiple beta firmware upgrades. Perhaps the app should keep the phone/tablet awake during the upgrade process?

Phone: OnePlue 5T running Android Pie

ive had that happen too. for some reason the screen has to stay on during the updates. its a fairly easy fix though.

same problem also. I am running Android Q most updated on a pixel 2 xl

Bulk upgrade of my v2 and pans went flawlessly. Nice to see that feature hit stability. I will work on testing out the others.

Same Crashing problem. Pixel 3xl Android Q beta

Same here, running Samsung Galaxy s9

I have the same issue. App crashes on open.
How do I uninstall the last update?

The new beta app crashes on open.
I have no way to see my cameras now!
How do I undo beta or this update?

Since you asked an hour ago and no reply
My educated guess is you need to uninstall via your OS and reinstall.
But that is just a guess.

The answer will depend on the which phone OS you’re on. Care to share?

Thank you for reporting the issue. We’ve received several reports on Android Q. Will look into it ASAP.

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You could find more regarding RTSP in the camera Advanced Setting page. Thank you.

Sorry to hear that. Are you on iOS or Android? OS version?

Thank you for bringing it up. We do be working on improving the firmware upgrade experience.

Android Q
There’s been several similar complaints with Android Q crashing on open in this thread and on Reddit.

Android Q

Same here.

New Beta app running fine on my aged iPhone 5C and my wife’s iPhone Xs.

Also bulk updated firmware on all 4 WYZE CAMs V2. All 4 up and streaming live together.

Played with on/off buttons. All seems to work.

Seems like it’s a a andoid Q beta problem.

Is there any update on the crashing issue in Android Q beta?