This actually applies to all of my wyze products. When there is a power outage, the bulbs and plugs reset and search for Wi-Fi BEFORE my modem and subsequent Wi-Fi have had time to restart. This causes all of my bulbs that were off to now come on (not fun in the wee hours of the morning) and my Wyze plugs to switch on. Just today this occurred and I had to re-add some of my wyze bulbs from Scratch. Flicking the lamp on/off/on/off started the Wifi setup, but the bulbs never connected so I had to manually re-add them. My Wyze plugs were fine. These type of issues happen after every power outage.
Welcome back to the forum @lhntx00.
This would be a good Wishlist item. I didn’t see one that looked specific to your request but similar. So I would suggest the add.
I know (thanks to my good friend @Bam ) a number of the Wyze devices follow a Fibonacci sequence to connect until a connection is available.
I have frequent power losses in my home (had one today. thankfully only for a half hour due to the storms)
I keep a fairly large Universal Power Supply on my modem, router, and one on my PC since I work from home. This allows my Wifi stay up and when my IoT devices get power they reconnect to wifi without issue.
For your bulbs, you can select Power Recovery to maintain previous state, but I imagine if there is a connection issue that setting may not be honored.
As my buddy @R.Good stated a lot of the products do follow the Fibonacci sequence and sadly as of current the only way to restart the sequence if they are in the longer pauses would be to power cycle them. I’ve actually had to do this with the plugs a couple of times after extended power outages. Just as you experienced if your router takes a second to come up and your plugs have already started the sequence in between checks for connection can grow fairly fast. I really do like your idea for a timed delay before starting this sequence. That is something I had not thought of. I’m going to put some thought into that into how it can be possibly interwoven into the system without fault as I’m sure some people would complain that their router comes up quick and yet their devices have it made the connection. But I’m sure there’s a happy medium somewhere. If I can come up with an idea for that I will see about getting it on the wish list. I’m sure I can articulate it in a way that both the developers and the general public could understand. I just have to figure that out But you definitely have a great idea with a delay!