Thank you @StopICU33. This will be a good number to keep.
You’re welcome!
Quick question @StopICU33 is putting your Wyze band on the charger is that the only way to turn the band back on? If I manually turned my band off the only way to get it to power on was to hook it up to charger for a half second.
is putting your Wyze band on the charger is that the only way to turn the band back on?
A dead battery will shut the band off.
That said, there is no way to manually turn off your Wyze Band. You can let the battery drain until it shuts off, or reset the band. After the band is recharged it should turn on, if not try a reboot.
Try a reboot from the app if it isn’t waking up.
- Open the Wyze app and tap Wyze Band .
- Scroll down to the Settings screen. Tap Reboot Device.
Hello there I’m having trouble getting my outdoor cam to update at all thank you for your help
Hi @sandrafolch,
Welcome to the community! Did you get your outdoor cam to update yet?
If not, will you post your current firmware version on the base station and the outdoor cam please?
Have you tried to update the base station first then the outdoor cam?
Is there a way to reset the steps on the Wyze Watch 47? I tried the “Press the button and hold” tip - but no change.
My Watch arrived today and already had steps! LOL - must have walked to my house.
Also, does it automatically reset at midnight or sometime?
Yes thank you I finally got it
@StopICU33 Can you help connect a Cam OG to wifi with no password or open? It wont connect.
I won’t add a password to the network
Check this post:
I have issue with cellular connection
can’t connect to my cameras if I’m using cellular data. only by by wifi connection.
I’d talked with support about this issue many times but they was not helpful.
yes my app up to date
yes my cameras up to date
yes I give the permission for the app to use cellular data
they always asked my this questions but never get the solution.
I’m wyze fan since the beginning but honestly i’m thinking to switch to another company if they can’t solve my issue.
Last week we were having extreme winds, and the trees were making our front door doorbell register movement every few minutes. I finally set a rule to turn off motion detection for that device. When that didn’t stop the notifications, I added turning off push notifications for the doorbell. I still got them, though, so I had to silence push notifications for all cameras. Is it because these cameras are shared with me that I couldn’t get the rule to work? It’s terribly distracting at work to continue to get notifications for waving leaves, yet there are reasons to want them from other cameras. Also, I was wondering if that also meant that if someone rang the doorbell, I wouldn’t get notified about that.
I did check for an app update and there wasn’t one, so presumably I’m running the most recent version.
You that is good advice and I did exactly that But, I was not able to get the set up done. The cam would not work it didn’t bring up a ststus light it behaves like it has no power… any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Oh! I’m sorry the camera is the Pan x3
Are you using the power adapter that came with the camera? Pan cameras need 2 Amp adapters. Also maybe the adapter is dead so no power is getting to the camera.
Habib, Thank you the camera was working fine just a few days prior. But I thought that it just wasn’t getting power also. I did order another cord so I’m hoping this will fix things. Thank you for your time it’s much appreciated.
Sincerely, StacyB
Glad do be off help. Before ordering a new cord, did you check the adapter?