Me, too!!!
This issue should be reprioritized with the release of the wyze scale. My husband and I used to share a log in which allowed us equal access but since getting a wyze scale (which I love) we needed separate accounts so that the scale can tell us apart (yes, we have similar weights).
Without separate accounts , we cannot fully utilize the features of the scale and with separate accounts we cannot fully utilize the features of the wyze cameras. What a conundrum!
Please take another look at prioritizing this need.
My husband and I share a Wyze account. I was unaware that I could not connect 2 watches to our account and we had to create a 2nd account for his watch. Now I have shared our cameras but he no longer has playback access to cameras in his own house.
I agree to definitely elevate this issue. Permission levels or selectable permitted activities for shared cameras should definitely be a thing!
This is my complaint about WYZE branching off into different product lines and trying to maintain all under one app. It is not reasonable to expect one app, and one account, to control personal devices like the band and household devices like the cameras.
Agreed. I need this feature as well, I am the admin that shares the camera with other users, I do not want other users to be able to turn off or turn on the camera, or use the microphone. This is a problem.
I agree that we should be able to prevent Shared camera users from using the microphone or power on the camera when it is turned off by me, the admin.
Many uses including myself wants this feature: for the admin of the camera to be able to prevent shared users from using the microphone or turning off and on the camera. Let us know when this is implemented in the next release of the Wyze cam app!
This is currently a big problem for us
Can I only give watch/read access to my family/friends without having them delete or move the camera (which is basically write access)?
Not yet.
I’d say friends or neighbors and let the user choose where sharers should fit in. And give full access to friends and Partial access to neighbors. And have a list of things that friends can do and a list of things neighbors can or can’t do. The user would know which category they want certain people to have. It doesn’t have to be too complicated. Keep up the good work.
Good Morning. I recently found out that the main user is the only one able to use the view playback feature. I would like to see the people I share the camera with have the same ability. The reason I believe this would be beneficial is because my wife and I use the cameras currently as baby monitors. She would like to have that feature.
No arguments with that wish! Just in case you haven’t read it elsewhere, the only quick workaround now is for both people to just use the same “owner” account. Which is apparently not popular with people who want private scale or band accounts.
What I want is actually the opposite - the ability share a live stream without the ability to do anything else - listen to audio, turn the cam off, look at history, etc. But it’s all the same request - more granular sharing controls.
Anyhow, if you haven’t done so already, be sure to vote at the very top of the topic - it may do some good!
@sodcam It’s not even that we want private accounts. It’s not optional! Wyze released products - the scale and band - that obviously would be used by multiple people in a household (they can’t possibly think all their users are single people, can they?) and then didn’t have the foresight to allow them to be shared. I didn’t know I couldn’t hook up 2 bands until I went to try to register the 2nd one.
But I’m not disagreeing with you! Let’s get this permissions thing fixed!!
I did this initially but then noticed it was causing an issue with our wyze door lock with location accuracy. So thats why we changed it and now have another issue ha ha
I love the Wyze Scale, and all the other products (I have 31 total Wyze products and intend to get at least 10 more. I’d call that a pretty loyal customer they should at least be open to listening to).
However, add me to the list of those frustrated with the shared user issues. Since we have the Scale, my wife and I need separate accounts just to weigh ourselves, which means 1 of us can no longer view playback on any of our cams through our account. This needs to be fixed ASAP! We both need playback access to all the cams, but we also need separate accounts for the scale (and band if I ever get those).
That’s a critical issue. Any other addition would simply be beneficial/appreciated. For example, I’d love to give playback permissions to my daughter for a couple of select cams (such as the front/back door cams, but not all of them. Many other options would also be useful, but allowing playback access to a spouse should be a critical urgent upgrade!
This wishlist feature appears to be buried and forgotten.
I have these cameras in my house as well as my parents’ house because my kids are there often.
Would love to share only some of the cameras only! Playback of SD card is such a selling point for this camera but it’s useless to me if only one person can access it.
My wife and I have to share the account because of this. Wyze supports also says “yeah no big deal just sign in using one login” but that actually doesn’t work for me because I like having notifications and she does not (since she works from home and doesn’t need to see the notifications). IFTTT did allow me as a shared user to have notifications while at work and keep her notifications muted option but then the lack of video playback is lacking.
So for those with multiple properties and cameras, this is the issue you’ll run into. I myself am coming from Nest and in the perfect situation wouldn’t even bother buying more Wyze cams but - they are amazing for the price which is why I have multiple of them.
This feature needs to be a priority…
Thanks for reading
I have this problem as well. Or, close to it… If it was just I like them and she doesn’t want any, I could just locally set hers to never see notifications from Wyze app… But unfortunately my wife likes SOME types of notifications from some devices (like person detection on our front door camera) and I like them from lots of different devices about several things (and she doesn’t want those). That makes it really annoying for her that she has to put up with all my notifications just to get the few she does want.
There are some weird semi-loopholes using Tasker on an always at home device to intercept messages and then broadcast specific ones she cares about to the Google home speakers as a notice… Such as broadcasting a message saying "mail delivered"whenever the mail box is opened, or a special broadcast for person detected at the front door… But no broadcast for the rest of them… Then she can silence, minimize or ignore wyze notifications on her phone and just pay attention to the broadcast messages she cares about. We can also use Tasker or light flow to watch notifications and only do special things for particular notifications she wants, but ignore all the rest.
Still, Wyze should really just handle this themselves. Those technical juggling hacks are too complicated for most people.
its been 2 years of asking for a simple feature via this page. who are the fools now? Is there a better way to get wyze to listen to this request?
We can ask @UserCustomerGwen to drop in with an update.
Also, I wanted to add that more control over shared user permissions could resolve more user issues that might initially be apparent…
I don’t have an update at this time but I also look forward to this being available in the future.