Multiple chime support for the Doorbell Pro

The doorbell V2, and Duo support using the the Pan V3 as an additional chime. It would be really nice if the “Pro” version would also.

Welcome to the Forum, @andraisr! :wave:

I would’ve thought that someone might’ve requested that already in the Wishlist, but I don’t see that particular suggestion in a quick search. (It’s possible I missed it.) One other option that comes to mind—if you’re looking for additional chimes—is the Wi-Fi Chime that was introduced with Duo Cam Doorbell and is supposed to be available as a separate product at some point, because it’s designed to use a Wi-Fi connection and work with existing Wyze Cam and Doorbell models, but I like the idea of double-duty for some devices and occasionally use a Cam OG as an extra chime for my Video Doorbell v2.