This is my second V3 camera that has gotten moisture in the lens and of course once it dried out there is a residue that causes the view to be fuzzy on the outer edges of the frame. It’s outside of the warranty and the first time Wyze replaced it but it they weren’t going to at first. I won’t even attempt to get this one replaced, just not worth my time. I know these cameras are not 100% waterproof but this camera was not placed in direct rain. It was the first rain for this camera. The previous camera went several years in the same spot during the rains and those were downpours. What my current camera went through was just a few days of drizzle and again it was not out in the open with it.
I’m probably going to open it up, like I did with the last camera, and hope it can be cleaned. Doing that with the last camera didn’t help it. I might just put out an old V2 that I have for that area.
Anyone else have moisture issues with their cameras?