I have a Verizon Router which I need to have in place if I want a DVR and Programming Guide. VZW no longer allows their set-top boxes to run via Ethernet. So I’m going to use the VZR Router as the router to handle DHCP/DNS, Port Forwarding, Etc.
I have two Mesh Pro routers. Root device is connected via MoCA (bonded 2.5) to the WAN port of the mesh router. Internet connects and I have a green light, but speeds are sluggish even just 5 ft from the AP. (12Mbs down on a 1gb connection. Upload maxes out)
If I connect the second mesh router, it pairs OK and stays green with wireless backhaul, but if I connect an Ethernet Backhaul (via another MoCA device) I get a red light, it’ll flip to green for a minute or so then go back to red for 5-6 mins and keep alternating. If I go wireless, we’re Ok.
The mesh router is in bridge mode so I’m not double NATed.
Does the Wyze Mesh Router Pro allow an ethernet backhaul in bridge mode?
As an aside, why would I receive such terrible speeds with this router? Hardwired the I max out, but going sub 30mbs in the same room is unacceptable. And that’s with only 4 devices connected to it (new hoe, toys aren’t here yet).
Thanks in advance. Attached is a diagram to help.