Mesh router pro and HP printer

Installed my mesh router pro and everything is working except my HP printer
Printer was working on my old network. Have rebooted the printer and the router with no luck
Tried to find the printer by tying its IP in, no luck. For some reason the printer does not see my network. It is an HP laserjet MFP 130nw about 5 years old.
Any thoughts?

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Odd. I would imagine both are on the same network. Printer is not on IoT or guest network?

Can you ping the printer or check setup to see if it grabs an IP?

Temporarily disable the 5gHz SSID on the router. The older printer may not deal with the router properly when you use a shared SSID/Password combination on both frequencies.

how do i disable the 5g band?

printer has an IP but cant add printer by typing in the

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i found the 5G disable under Advance, but didn’t help

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Not sure if you did it already, but you might need to install the latest printer driver. Check vendor site for latest. If the printer has an IP, the printer communicates with the router. The router provides the IP address.

If you are familiar with the command prompt, type in "ping [printer IP] to see if you get a result.

You might try printing from your phone or another device. I didn’t need a driver for my phone.