Mesh Router Assistance

This question is primarily about getting better results on web-view while using my Battery Cam Pros, and my new V3. It seems that when the v3 is doing live stream and I turn on Live stream on both battery cams in the Web-View live stream, the results get very choppy with a lot of buffering. Understanding that now the lap-top, the phone, and the three cameras are all using the wifi to communicate with each other I am thinking it may be a bit much for my Bell Canada supplied Modem/Router (Home 1000). I was reading the Q&A on the Wyze Mesh Router and understand it helps with that type of issue ? I am just not sure how that would work with the Home 1000 unit. If connected to the modem/router Home 1000 unit by way of an ethernet cable, does that create any issues ? Is the original Router sending signals as well as the Wyze Mesh Router and potentially confusing my cameras or my lap-tops etc ??? I appreciate any assistance provided in language that can be understood by someone with limited networking communications understanding :! :thinking:
The Wyze sale on their Mesh routers seems like it would be worth purchasing one, but I don’t like throwing money away. Note: Just purchased 5 cameras !

For those checking in - I can say that based on info gathered from other posters (many thanks to all of them) I ended up purchasing one of the new WYZE Mesh Router units. I did my homework before connecting and then using all the good info from posters and the troubleshooting web page for the router I got it up and running. My camera issues have appeared to go away. I can now connect to all my cameras with live feed and everything is nice and steady !

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