can i use a 500gb external hd to record rather than a sd card. i will be gone about 4 months
October 10, 2020, 9:51pm
That type of setup is not supported by Wyze at the m moment.It is a request on the Wishlist . I have read posts where people are using third party programs, like TinyCam Pro and others, to do it. Here are a few posts I found relating to this by using the Search feature and simply searching on external storage. There are more! Have fun looking, and Welcome to the Forum Community @larry5167 …
For security, the built=in memory card is a bad idea.
A thief can just take the camera, and you’ve got nothing but 12 seconds.
Please, let the camera record on the WLAN to a static IP address, to be designated in the Wyze app, and let us configure a simple server to catch and store the images.
Wyze could add to their product line – a simple Raspberry Pi, complete with memory card loaded with the appropriate software, plus maybe off-the-shelf external USB storage,
Let the Wyze app access it j…
I’m not particularly techy (at least not IT-techy), but I plan to just hook an external hard drive to my router’s USB port. The router is designed with 2 USB ports for hooking up storage (flash drive or external hard drive) that you can access with any device that is on the Wi-Fi network. I’m sure the router lets you modify who has access, but I will not bother customizing. My cameras are all external facing or garage monitoring, so I have no privacy concerns there. I’m hoping the NAS soluti…
I use a 32GB SD card in all three of my V2 Cams. I wonder if there is a way to instead run a cable to a larger storage device such as an external HD? Many external HDs use USB cables, but I don’t know of any cable with one end being a faux SD card that could be plugged into the back of a Cam. Anyone?
I have not used it but the WyzeHacks method seems to be the way to go?
Of course a 4 month CamPlus subscription would be cheaper and easier and more reliable…