Lock failed

This is how mine started a couple days ago. warnings that the battery was low, then the lock jammed. New batteries left it showing 13 percent. It then wanted calibration but could not due to low batteries. 3 new sets tried and I finally removed the lock and eventually the gateway. Started from scratch, eventually took the lock fully apart and back together as it would not complete calibration. I’ve tried the motor orientation in two positions, putting it back to the original. lock during calibrations gets past the final close and manually locks, then sometimes opens once and stalls, sometimes opens and closes 4 times then stalls, but always stalls out right after the final manual close step. Not liking how similar issues end in lock replacement and I’ve had mine since the preorder I think, and now this started. Gonna dig some more, hoping one of these threads has a solution involved. I’ve loved having this lock up till now.