Lock compatibility with Schlage Entrance Mortise Lock

We are evaluating home automation enhancements for our 300 unit building. Currently all doors have Schlage Mortise Lock with Deadbolt in place. It is imperative that the existing keys remain functional. This is the lockset [https://allsecurityequipment.com/products/schlage-l9453p-06n-626?variant=41181548609709&currency=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&gclid=Cj0KCQiAveebBhD_ARIsAFaAvrE6FhHC2aNFXFN1JJB9HKSo3Si1a9JduEXQj535VmAPI7Z957sbpS4aAuOkEALw_wcB] In order to install the Wyze lock, the back plate had to be modified. Three 1/8" holes were drilled into the plate and then countersunk for wood screws to attach the plate to the solid core wood door. The green adaptor was used with a 3/16" square bar to connect the deadbolt to the Wyze thumb knob. The lock works flawlessly, but since your website indicates non-compatibility with a Mortise lock some on our committee are concerned regarding warranty and general long term function as well as making a recommendation for the Wyze product. We are evaluating both the Wyze and August locks.

Is this an acceptable installation method?