Lock Bolt + Apartment Managment Access?

Hi All! I think this is the right category for my topic? If not, mods please relocate. :slight_smile:

TL:DR - I need a bolt lock that allows apartment management access.

First, a bit of story time and a huge thank you.

Over the last five years, my mother experienced several strokes. Thankfully, she has since recovered, with only minor confusion at times. Miraculous really.

After her first stroke, I purchased two cameras and Cam Plus. They have been a godsend in allowing me and my three sisters to keep a close watch. Huge thanks to the entire Wyze team. :heart:

During her most recent stroke, paramedics were delayed due to her being unresponsive and the door being locked. For this reason, I’m now looking to add a lock bolt to her home setup so that we can remotely unlock the door at any time.

But here’s where I need some expert guidance. She resides in an apartment which has certain restrictions on making changes. Essentially, changing the bolt lock wouldn’t be allowed due to management needing universal access in the event of an emergency entry (e.g. fire, water leak).

Is there a lock that I could present to the management team that would give them peace of mind in knowing they maintained emergency access?

And if so, could you share or point me to the tech sheet that outlines this feature? I’ll need to share with them for the approval request. Thanks in advance!

You choices of Wyze locks are Wyze Lock and Wyze Lock Bolt.

Wyze Lock Bolt does not have WiFi/Internet capability, so no remote access is possible.

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Thanks @Seapup! Seems like we’re Wyze Lock is the only option then. :slight_smile:

Do you happen to know the following:

Can any code be added for the pinpad access? (in case the apartment has a specific emergency code that’s needed)?

I see there’s a bundle option for the Wyze Lock that includes a camera. Is this the only camera that works with this lock or will others work just as well?

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If you are also installing the Wyze Keypad, you can add up to 50 codes. You can find out more info on keypad code management features and operation on the Support page here: Keypad Code Management

I’m not sure which bundle you’re looking at, but I think the only cam that currently has Wyze Lock integration is the Wyze Video Doorbell. I think the only integration feature right now is unlock from doorbell live stream. I don’t own either product so I’ll tag @Mavens in here to confirm.

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My apologies for not sharing the link.

On that point, could you also provide clarity on the difference between the Front Porch Security Bundle (Wyze Lock + FREE Wyze Video Doorbell and Chime) and the Wyze Lock (Lock + Gateway + FREE Video Doorbell + Chime)?

Seem like they both include the Wyze Lock + Video Doorbell + Chime. However, the non-Front Porch bundle includes a Gateway but is cheaper?

It appears that both links include identical items and neither includes the keypad. On the 1st link, if you scroll down and click “What’s in the box”, in the “Wyze Lock” section, it lists “Wyze Lock Gateway x1”. Must be a mistake that one is listed on sale for $83.99 and the other is not.

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So if I hear you… I should buy that one IMMEDIATELY. ha!

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As long as that bundle suits your needs! :smiley:


Thanks for all your help.

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No problem… glad to help! :+1:

Yeah, it does include the gateway haha. Great catch everyone. We will get that updated.

PS: I was the one who came up with that bundle last year :sweat_smile:


The Wyze Bolt Lock does have remote access through the use of one-time passwords that you can communicate to someone. It is valid for some time (1 hour if I remember well) and one time only.

Also for management, you could create them a specific keypad code.

One major advantage of the Bolt Lock is the significantly longer battery life. I am close to 2 years now with 20 months and still 20% remaining.


Thanks again for all the comments and help. The installation was a breeze (you guys have absolutely killed that, like seriously) and my mother and sisters were so happy.

Wyze delivers once again. I love using your products.



Stoked to hear that. I really really love that product. Use it every day.