I just purchased a Wyze garage door controller with camera. When I view livestream from my wifi network, livestream connects just fine. But whenever I am trying to connect outside of my wifi network (cellular connection), livestream does not connect. Has anyone else had/have this problem? I contacted support and they basically admitted this was a problem.
Do you happen to have an XB7 router from Comcast or Rogers?
If so, try to get an XB8, the XB7 has a known issue with a few IOT brands.
You can also try disabling “advanced security” (which isn’t advanced at all and doesn’t do a whole lot) as that reportedly fixes it for some.
Thanks @dave27 for the reply. I’ll keep that suggestion as a last resort for now. I have around 50 devices currently on my Wi-Fi network with about 10 of them being Ring devices with cameras. So, it’s big ask to go replace the router at this stage.
Having said that, I did notice that there was a firmware update for the camera, and I have applied that, and it appears to have resolved my livestream issue. I have been able to connect to livestream outside of my Wi-Fi network on a few attempts now. I’ll keep testing to confirm.
So you do have an XB7? If so and the firmware update resolved it (probably stopped it from attempting to connect to whatever server the XB7 is blocking) that is good news for others.
Note that replacing the router is not a big deal, just set your network name and password to the same as the old and all devices will reconnect.
I didn’t verify the router. I focused on the Wyze components. As I said, I have around 50 devices. No need to focus on the router when I have that many devices currently utilizing whatever version of the router I’m using.
After the firmware update to the camera, livestream has been working pretty consistent. There were an occasion or two where I had to close the app and reopen. Given the overall value this device adds, I’ll live with that small annoyance.
Eventually I will update the router but right now isn’t the time.
Thanks for all the feedback @dave27.
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