Since this last update, I have not been able to view recorded videos on playback; all 6 cams. The videos are distorted. Are others having the same issues?
Would you be willing to post a screen capture of the issue? Are you using Android or iOS? Pan or V2? Assuming you are talking about the last firmware update? To or
What was updated, the app or the firmware? If the app, try rebooting the phone, there have been cases where that simple step resolved display issues.
The latest firmware. I rebooted my phone but still same issue.
This is what I get when I attempt view live recordings; this is on all 6 cams. Using Android S10 plus, Pan Cam and V2.
Looks like video decoding issue. You’re aware that Wyze Android app dropped hardware video decoding? But I suspect that the S10+ should be able to cope.
You might try temporarily reverting back to the app version that supports hardware video decoding, to pin down the problem.
Do you mean the non-beta version?
I do not know how to revert back to previous firmware.
Not the firmware, the app. The latest Android app lost the hardware video decoding. Search the forum on how to download and install previous app versions.
But if you want to revert to an older firmware, you can download them from Wyze. That same site has the instructions.
Wyze app version 2.4.82 is the last with hardware video decoding:
Wyze also hosts this version but I can’t find the link now.
- Uninstall your current app before installing the older one.
- Enable the hardware video decoding option after installation.
- Turn off automatic app updates to prevent upgrades to the app.
You can find V2.4.82 here:
Worked! Thank you.