Leak sensors not available on Canada website anymore

Has wyze discontinued the leak sensors? The Canada website has been out of stock for quite a while. When I ask wyze when stock will be replenished I get no response. I have asked 3 times now.

Welcome to the Forum, @billkal! :wave:

I haven’t seen anything to that effect. When I navigate to the “Wyze Labs, Inc. (Canada)” site right now, I see a “Low stock” message with Probes available but Sensors unavailable, which is probably what you’re seeing. On the U.S. site, it appears that both are in stock.

I have seen messages off and on for a while about other products’ availability being delayed from time to time, so that happens. It seems like kind of a waiting game sometimes, and it’s a shame that there’s no “stock watch” feature on the site (at least as far as I know).

How have you initiated these requests?

Through a contact us link I think it was. It’s been so long ago I can’t recall exactly. I remember it was hard to find a way to message them. Endless looping with them wanting you to find a solution on a web page instead.

Yeah, they used to have a nice full-page form on their Support site for submitting tickets, but now you have to navigate through a bot.

This is how I prefer to submit tickets (you can click/tap to expand this):
  1. Visit the Help Center: https://go.wyze.com/help[1]
  2. Click into the “AI-powered search” box in the middle of the page and enter create ticket.
  3. Click Yes, that is correct.
  4. :point_up: Repeat Step #3. (:face_with_symbols_over_mouth: UGH! :roll_eyes:)
  5. Click No, I do not like chatbots.
  6. Click This is about a product.*
  7. Click Other.*
  8. Click Create Ticket
  9. Enter your contact details and a brief issue description (include a Log ID if you have one) and click Submit.

     * Make your own appropriate/relevant choices here.[2]

It doesn’t really matter how brief the description is. Wyze’s system will generate an e-mail message to you automatically with a Wyze Ticket number, and you can just reply to that message from your e-mail client and add as much detail as you want.

If you have time for an e-mail exchange and want to do that at your leisure, then that’s what I’d do. Otherwise, you can try the chat on the Help Center site. Hopefully someone can give you a reasonable answer.

  1. This might be a good one to bookmark. ↩︎

  2. I’m demonstrating my typical path. The number of steps will likely be the same and result in the identical endpoint regardless of the choices you make. ↩︎


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You’re welcome. I’d provide a better answer if I could, but the Forum is primarily a user-to-user support community, so you’re probably better off trying to get an official response from channels where Wyze employees are more likely to respond. Hopefully there won’t be too much of a delay in getting those restocked.