Leak detected and siren woke the dead!

Bought the pipe and fittings. No one rents the crimper. Thought about buying it and returning it. A Milwaukee crimpter is about 3 grand. :flushed:
So, I will call the plumber back out to do the cold side that looks like crap. Time to bend over some more.

I use HomeAssistant for my local and remote access and control.
The do charge $5/month for their remote access, tying out to Alexa and Google, etc.
But, you can do it yourself for no cost, using certificates and port forwarding.
Like habitat, HA is all about local operation, but will also allow cloud service integration like SmartThings, smart life, etc.


What about as an Action? It would be vastly more convenient to be able to set a rule that when I leave my HMS turns to Away.


I actually use HomeAssistant a bit as well. Had Hubitat in the past. Now I have setup Hubitat with Virtual Switches connected to both Alexa and Home Assistant. When Alexa sees motion is sensed or a door open on a Wyze Sensor, I can toggle the switch in Hubitat, which immediately turns on the devices in Home Assistant and I can trigger the rules. Because I have a Hubitat Hub, I can associate my phone or other items with it as well, which will trigger Home Assisant to perform certain actions like set my Wyze HMS, Turn Lights on or Off, etc.

You can also pay for Home Assistant to allow for Geofencing and Virtual Sensor integration with Alexa or Google. Then you can eliminate Hubitat.

What do you mean by this? Is there an original post? I thought that mood switching was already in the one rule on home monitoring. Can you please be a little more specific, I am not really understanding what you mean.

The HMS was previously excluded from Triggers or Actions within any Wyze Rules. The HMS Mode (Disarmed, Home, Away) could not be used in a rule to trigger any other action on any Wyze Device.

The current Beta App that is in final Release Candidate testing added the functionality to use the HMS Modes and Status Changes as Triggers within Rules. I am currently testing that Beta. The triggers are spot on and work wonderfully!

When this Beta version gets final QA approval and is released as a public App Update, you will be able to select the HMS as a Trigger within the Rule building process. Here are the HMS Modes & Status Changes that can be used to trigger actions on other Wyze devices:

Previously, the only automation that could be done on the HMS was to set a monitoring Schedule from within the Home Monitoring Settings. This is still the case. The HMS cannot be used for Schedule Rules, Shortcut Rules, or Location Rules because it has no accessible Actions within the Rules UI. It can only trigger other Wyze devices to do something.

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Just had another leak! Wyze leak sensors saved me again.

Apparently, my toddlers threw toys in the furnace room (we have childproof protections to keep them out of there, but they still threw toys in there apparently), and the cats (the cats CAN get in there…in fact that is where their food, water and litter are kept, so it’s kind of their room) must have swatted some of those toys into the sump pump well, including a lego and a little purple ball full of air. And that ball got wedged under the sump pump and locked it up to stop working.

So here I was at 11:40pm at night with everyone else sleeping and camera sirens start going off all throughout the house because there is a leak and the water is getting really high and I have to do something quickly to avoid overflow damage, but I can’t get the sump pump to work. I almost panicked because finding another sump pump at midnight would be hard and I probably can’t risk leaving it rising at this rate. Anyway, I found the jammed up ball, removed it and everything started working. Wyze leak sensors and Wyze rules saved me again. :joy_cat:

I really need to get around to making a cover for the sump pump now. It’s been on my to-do list, but it seems I now have a pretty good reason to get to it sooner.