Keep having to login

When I open the app I usually want it to load quickly because I either got a notification from a Camera or I want to check the cameras. Time is of the essence. Frequently I have to re-login to the app even though I’ve already logged on with this device and selected yes trust this device. And then not only do you have to login but you have to go through the two factor process which takes even longer. This happens far too often and I’m getting sick of it. What’s the sense of having these cameras for security if it takes so long to view them. Anybody have any advice

I never log out of the app. It’s always there for me on my Android. I assumed the same for apple.

Welcome to the forum.

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You say frequently, but can you provide an actual time frame? Like multiple times a day, every other day, every week or two? What actual app version are you using?


Thanks. I also don’t log out of the app, otherwise I’d have to login every time I open it. At least once a week it forces me to login anyway.

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3.2.7(1) is the app version on this iPad mini 4. I’d say at least once out of every five times I open the app I have to login that could be three times a week or once a week depending upon how many times I open the app. Just now I had to login again just to be able to reply here and again was asked if this was a trusted device. although this wasn’t in the app it was through the webpage still annoying

There is a new version of the app out, I’d recommend it installing your current version, restart your iPad and then reinstall a fresh copy of the app.

Just to verify, are you logging into the APP to see that trusted device thing? Or are you in the app trying to use the in-app forum link and see that message? What browser are you linking or using to do the login procedures? That browser may be to blame here.

Id recommend using a browser outside the app to visit the forums here to make things easyier. Here is the link.

I am not a Apple device user, so hopefully someone with more apple experience can let you know if this is a settings thing in that iPad or at least tricks to try.

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You assumed correctly. I can’t remember when was the last time I had to login into my app. Web View on another hand is totally different thing. I have to login every time I try to view my cameras, but that is because I am using Apple’s Private Wi-Fi Address and have it set to rotate. I don’t like being tracked when surfing the net :slight_smile:

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