Jump to a specific time functionality …

It would be great if the Wyze app had a functionality that allowed the user to jump to a specific time. Ha I g to scroll through to find footage is cumbersome and the lack of the ability to put in a specific timeframe in the app and jump to recorded footage or detections within that time frame.

Welcome to the Wyze User Community Forum @smithiskar! :raising_hand_man:

If you would like to request that Wyze add this feature, that is handled thru a new topic post in the Wishlist. Go to the Wishlist, search the topics for one that matches your request. If you find one, vote for it at the top, like :heart: some posts, and add your reply post to support the request. If you do not find a match, submit a new topic for approval.

In your search, you may find the Wishlist topics Event filter/search by date, time and range or Quickly Scroll Through Many Events (Events List Scrolling Improvements) meet your particular request requirements.

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