I know we have a “Pan” version that allows us to move it on the app, but I would like to know a possible way to disable it’s movement function so it can never be moved via the app. Is there a way to do this?
I know we have a “Pan” version that allows us to move it on the app, but I would like to know a possible way to disable it’s movement function so it can never be moved via the app. Is there a way to do this?
Not without opening it up n unplugging the motor
You can disable automatic movement, but you can’t disable manually controlled movement from the app. If you never want it to be able to pan, buy a non-pan camera and save some money in the process.
I get you, but unfortunately we broke the top hinge that connects the top camera to the motor, and I fixed it by using a super glue. I can pan it, but I can’t tilt it. What would you suggest us doing in this scenario? We can buy a “cam” version, but it would make this camera useless.
No tracking, no pan scan and no motion tagging. Never use the waypoint/directional wheel. Camera will stay in a fixed position.
UPDATE: The camera can never be turned off or it will go thru the startup revolving sequence to home point when it is turned on.
Get a new cam pan v3 now during the memorial weekend sale, $29.98 both Wyze and Amazon.
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