We’re aware that all the iOS users are having an issue that the second time you check live stream, the app will crash immediately. We’ve set this bug as the highest priority and we aim to fix this bug today. We’ll upload another version for review today and hopefully, we can release it later tomorrow. We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience.
I will post updated information to this thread as I have it!
Update for this should be live to the public now. Please make sure your app is updated to 1.3.134. If the crashing issue continues after this update please let me know here so we may continue to investigate!
It is version 1.3.162. I only have one camera installed right now. It only happens on certain days though. Today I was able to view dozens of videos with no problems, yesterday and some other days the app just kept frozen then crash. I was able to view all the alert videos eventually.