Just installed the spotlight and camera and it appears to be interfering with my garage door opener. It seems to be blocking reception from the home link system from my car. I need to pull the car very close to the house to get it to respond. Previously it worked from
30-40 ft away. Anyone having this issue?
Yes its the camera
Any suggestions?
Nope we just live with it,you can try a wifi plug and turn it off
There are some things you can do. The first and foremost is move the camera away from the GDO.
If you must leave the camera near the GDO, keep it away from the GDO’s antenna.
If all else fails, shield the camera power cables. The camera emits a small amount of RF that passes the EMI specs, but is particularly sensitive by GDO receivers if in close proximity.
Just in case you didn’t know, you can try this. Unscrew the light bulb in your GDO and see if your spotlight issue has improved.
Sometimes we forget that LED lights installed in GDOs will interfere with 2.4 WiFi signal. Maybe you have been using a LED in the GDO and forgot. Worth a check. Won’t take but minute. There are GDO LED Light bulbs sold on Amazon to arrest the WiFi interference issue.
I am experiencing this. I just spent the better part of two days troubleshooting, and tonight I turned off all of the Wyze devices and unplugged the garage controller, and my door remotes and Homelink started to work again.
I turned on the Wyze flood light and and the problem returned. I turned off the flood light and turned on the garage lights which have the Wyze light sockets, and a camera, and my openers worked fine. I reconnected my garage controller and the remotes continued to work. As soon as I turn on the floodlight my remotes no longer work.
I have rhe exact same issue. Same trouble shooting. Replace a GDO circuit board and LED s with approved bulbs, no Joy. Turned off power to flood lights and it works perectly. Have you found a solution ? John
Putting a small ferrite bead thing around the short power cord from the floodlight to the camera seems to have fixed mine. It’s not perfect, I have to definitely get closer than before but it works now.
Wow!! It really works. Agree have to get closer than prior to the floodlight installation, but at least it now works from the end of my driveway!! Thank you for the fix.