Figure out how to get in app subscription user data and integrate it into you customer data and also consolidate your various email lists so that all customers get important messaging. Your lack of knowledge of customers who make in app subscription purchases is frustrating for customers and impacts your ability to supply quality customer service or proper hardware discounts for subscribers. Similarly you have multiple email lists and they are not consolidated and used for important messages. For example, you should have my email from my in app Cam plus subscription (reference earlier point), you definitely have my email from my customer support contacts, you definitely have my email from the beta program which I am a part of, your definitely have my email from my app account, and you definitely have my email from this forum, yet I receive no emails from you about Wyze news, new products, or specials, even though all 5 sources that I noted would contain emails of verified and engaged customers. I see these messages from you that others share on social media, This impacts your sales and customer loyalty.