Indoor Camera that can use the Outdoor Starter Bundle and record through window pane

Newbie here and waiting on my outdoor bundle to arrive today.
I would like to purchase two more cameras but these will be indoor and I want to sit them on the window ledge.

What is the camera that will work with my new Outdoor Starter Bundle?

Kind regards.

Welcome to the forums!

I’d you want to point through the window, I’d suggest either the v2, v3 or if your needs include the panning function, grab a pancam. Personally, I’d just go v3 hands down, which is the successor to the v2 and the same price. The wco won’t work through windows. Well, it will work, but will not detect motion due to its pir sensor.


To address this part specifically, no other cameras work with the outdoor camera bundles directly, but all Wyze cameras work under the same Wyze app. So it does not much matter which one you pick. Go with Tony’s suggestions with the understanding that the V3 is still on pre-order.


You should know that pointing these cameras through windows doesn’t work that good. I’ve tried. The glass reflects a lot back, different times of day and sun makes it not very good at all. Night time is even worse. Absolutely ineffective at night to record through glass and I’m not even talking about the motion activation issue, the picture at night through glass is not ideal. Has a lot to do with lighting, so maybe under the right conditions you will have better success (sun and lights at night). If you can place things outside with nothing between camera and what you want video of they work great.

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Thank you both, this has been very helpful.

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