My wife is deaf, so I’m wondering if Wyze would consider making some upgrades to its products that would be of great value to the deaf community. I will list two here: 1) In the “Rules” feature, in the “Actions” area, can you add a “BLINK” or “PULSE” (for “X” number of times) option? This would allow deaf people to notice a blinking light in response to something happening in their environment (i.e. a door opening, motion detected, smoke detector alarming). 2) Upgrade your camera’s ability to detect specific sounds (more than just smoke alarms). To this end, add a “LEARN SOUND” mode. The camera would “listen and learn” these unique sounds and then store them on the camera, and the Wyze App can then be used to BLINK a light(s) when the sound is detected. Deaf people have a great need to know when a door bell, oven timer, or a clothes drier sounds. Some of these notifications can also benefit hearing people as well. Thanks for considering this.