I have the indoor camera Wyze OG I get constant alerts and go look and it’s an advertisement to pay for a subscription - I can’t even see a short clip without interruption first of advertisement to buy a subscription of Wyze of wyze monitoring - I was told to put sd card in it & it should be fine - NOT TRUE AT ALL. It’s a joke - it’s a tacky looking service if I put sd card in the camera and can’t even just use sdcard monitor things myself without Wyze constantly sending me FAKE ALERTS - Causing panic then we’ve ignored real alerts because we get so many fake alerts that are just advertisements to pay monthly subscription - WYZE Cameras are not worth getting - WE WANT A CAMERA FOR THE DOOR OF AN APARTMENT- THAT IS ALL - the first 2 weeks it did what it said it would do - I didn’t want subscription - that’s when WYZE STARTED SENDING US ADVERTISEMENTS buy subscription to see video clips -WHAT A RIP OFF TACKY COMPANY - very misleading about what it will do - WYZE MAKES SURE IT DOES LESS AND LESS AS TIME GOES ON TO FORCE PEOPLE TO BUY SUBSCRIPTIONS OR BIY MORE CAMERAS.
Consumer protection Canada and USA will be contacted and we will let them hear about this SCAM.
The store we got it at will also get to hear about see the pictures or screen shots of advertisements fake alerts that knowone needs after midnight - during the night - so Wyze must monitor my activity if I’m awake all night -I could see different colour light on front of camera at times-wondering who is looking at my activity or who is viewing through my camera - it did not work when needed in june 2023 when 3 people came into the place - all day nothing. Unable to view content pops up all the time - it’s nothing but stress causing gimmicks to buy more from WYZE -you can’t get a person ever in Canada for support - it’s Philippine call centre that don’t seem to care - gave me false info.
Sorry I’m not the bad guy here - I paid for a camera that takes sd card and not a camera that is constantly used to suck customers into buying more junk of Wyze.
If I wanted monitoring I’d get local security camera here through cable tv companies or local security company - also think it should have a peel and stick mount to the ceiling or wall option - I’m not into drilling into the walls or ceiling. I want it to view the entire door and handle and bolt lock and floor by bottom of door in case an envelope is under my door on the floor - to alert me.
So this camera system and WYZE gets a