I will sadly be replacing all our Wyze bulbs due to bulbs resetting constantly during power fluxes

We really were hoping to use these Wyze bulbs in our seasonal home but can’t have them resetting themselves, going to full on and refusing to reconnect. The power loss recovery setting is worthless and when we are 1000 miles away, having them become unresponsive is unacceptable. Although we are glad we had our Wyze cameras alert us to the lighting change since they still work, the bulbs we have are going in the trash when we return and will be replaced with Hue, which we have at our home and have worked flawlessly for years. Really too bad that after years of this issue, there is no way for an end user to set an option, preventing these bulbs from resetting themselves due to a power flux or even a kid or someone else inadvertently flipping the switch on and off quickly.

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Bummer. I didn’t realize that. I only had two Wyze bulbs but they were on a UPS. After they decided to no longer work I wetn with Kasa, but still on a UPS.

Just had this happen to me Saturday morning with my two Wyze white V2 bulbs running the latest firmware.
Despite both bulbs being on 1U APC 450 ups’s under the nightstands, both bulbs reset the other night during a power event that was so short, not a single digital clock in the house went 12 o’clock flashing.
Just all of a sudden both lights cranked up to full brightness and the color temperature reset to default.
The most frustrating part was loosing the ability to control the lights.
I had to rediscover both bulbs with the Wyze app to add them back in the regain control of them.
Doubtful that would have worked if I would not have been within Bluetooth range of the bulbs.

Has only happened once since I’ve had the bulbs but frustrated that despite both bulbs being on the same ups’s the digital clocks are that did not reset, shows how sensitive these are to power anomalies.

Absolutely needs more capacitance added to the 3.3V DC power rail that supplies the ESP WROOM-2D chip at the heart of these devices. I’m sure that would help stop this nonsense.

Are you certain they are plugged into the outlets with battery backup? Many UPS have both surge and battery protected outlets.

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Since I too have the bulb issue, and now can’t even set timer on and off, mine too will be going in the trash. Today I did buy 15 Govee bulbs since Wyze tech support does not even respond. Makes me wonder if they are going out of business. I even reached out to the Wyze CEO and no response. FYI Amazon has great price on Govee.

Can you post your home address of where the trashcan is located.? :disguised_face:

Someone gifted me the Wyze bulbs and I experienced what you said. Luckily my other two bulbs are on a UPS.

How does Govee bulbs respond to a power outage, I haven,t power-tested my Kasa bulbs on UPS.

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I’m not above dumpster diving if it can keep some useful e-waste out of a landfill. :sunglasses:

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I’m absolutely sure as these UPS’s I have only have battery backed outlets.

I have four of these units under the nightstands in both bedrooms to keep digital clocks and lamps running as the power blips out here a lot.

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I have one for my entertainment center, three for cams and 3 for PC, but zero in my bedroom.

Can you duplicate the problem by pulling the plug for your UPS?

If the clocks don’t lose power, maybe something external caused the issue. I can imagine you checked the batteries. One of my UPSs had its battery fail yesterday.

One of my UPS units is chirping. I suspect the battery also failed, not sure, I threw away the user manual. Fortunately I have a spare.

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That’s what mine was doing. It doesn’t happen often but I had to track down what was making the noise. I could also see the battery indicator blink an empty battery.

Luckily, I had a spare 1500va.

Batteries are easy to find on Amazon with the UPS model number. APC batteries have become over priced. Looking for a good generic.