Color Bulb V2s are the WORST!

I own many Wyze Color Bulbs and I’m incredibly satisfied with the V1s. Unfortunately, the V2s are a total disaster. They reset to factory defaults with the slightest power outage. Every single time a power goes out for a few seconds and then back on most if not all my dozens of V2 go to default mode and I need to go around the house re-registering them. It’s incredibly annoying. All V1’s are way more resilient. I haven’t had to re-register a single one the them in years. I’ve open support cases, uploaded logs as requested but no software update has solved the problem (not sure if I can be solved that way). I have many other smart bulbs from other vendors and not ONE has this problem. To be honest, I’m about to switch to another vendor since we’ve started using the Wyze V2s as regular manual-switched bulbs. Any input from Wyze people would be appreciated.

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Yep, I’m in here for the same reason. We had a power bump earlier today. 3 of the v2 bulbs, 4 of the v1 bulbs.

1 of the v2 bulbs is in the same five-bulb fixture in the dining room. All of the v1 bulbs reconnected properly after the power bump, but the v2 couldn’t connect. Same for one of the other v2 bulbs. One v2 bulb did manage to make it through the power bump and stay online.

All seven bulbs are running the latest firmware for their respective bulbs… v1 are running, and v2 are running The other IKEA and Lumary lights remained connected to the network, but not those darned v2 Wyze bulbs.

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