I am unable to view the video from the SD card all of a sudden

i used to be able to view video from the SD card for my V4 cam. but all of a sudden I can only see the thumbnail and not able to playback. Any idea why?

If you go into the SD card properties, what does it say? Card may need a format or could have died.

If you go into the SD card view from the main camera screen (not by tapping on an event) does it have recordings there? If not there is something going on with the card, and it should also be evident from the SD card settings screen usually.

I reformat the SD card and it seems working now

Keep an eye on it. If the camera recently lost power that could have done it and it will be fine now, but it also could be a sign that the card is starting to go bad.

If it is, then when you replace the card look for a high endurance one from a reputable brand like Samsung or Sandisk. Those are designed to record continuously for years.

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