I recently replaced my Pixel 2 phone due hardware issues with my previous phone. I thought I set up the new Pixel 2 the same as the old, but obviously I didn’t.
Every day three 12 second event clips from my Wyze cameras show up in my phone’s Google Photos app. What’s weird is that there were 6 events last night, yet only the latest three show up in Photos. The night before, it wasn’t the last three, but the 2nd, 3rd and 4th latest clips. The latest clip did not get saved.
I don’t really care (other than it’s weird) that I am not getting them all, because I don’t want any of them showing up in Google photos. They crowd up my phone and they crowd up my Google Photos page on the web.
My old phone didn’t do this and I’m not sure whether it’s the phone or the Wyze app that’s causing them to be saved. I’m guessing there’s a Wyze folder some place that my Pixel is finding and saying “Hey look, a video! I better back that up.” If that’s the case, where is that folder and how do I get the phone to ignore it?
Thanks for any suggestions.
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I believe you can disable “Backup & Sync” by toggling that switch on individual folders in the Photos app under “Device Folders” on the left.
I have the wyze cam folder set to not sync and they still show up in my google photos. 3 a day I have to delete.
I had that problem before where Google defaulted to backing up my Gallery pictures to Google Photo. I was able to stop it but I don’t remember now the exact steps I did. I get a lot of hits searching the internet, I suggest you do that.
The mobile world has this idea wrong, that it knows better than you do. Like automatically substituting words as you type, or the time when I had a phone that called a number I just texted. I had a wallet type case that when closed thought I brought the phone close to my ears, and assumed I wanted to call the same number.
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If you are referring to the “Albums” button, where I see a Video album and a cam album (the case is accurate. Upper case “V” and lower case “c” for those album names) then I’m not sure if that is the solution.
I already have the cam folder disabled as far as backups, yet the Photos tab of my phone still has events clips showing. I just disabled backup on the Video folder which seems to only contain Wyze event clips. We’ll see what happens.
However, the other issue that makes me think that something else is going on is the fact that the count of the clips don’t match.
For Tuesday, the Photos section shows 3 events, the Video album contains none and the cam album only shows 1. Meanwhile, the Wzye app itself shows 8 for that day.
For Wednesday, Photos shows 8, Video album contains 6, cam contains 1, Wyze app shows 15.
Plus, I have to toss in the fact that this not happen on my previous phone (Both are Pixel 2’s). Unfortunately, it’s been returned because of the warranty rules so I can’t compare settings on the 2 phones.
Let’s see what disabling the Video album backup does. I should know by tomorrow morning since I only capture events at night.
[dreammastah wrote:
I have the wyze cam folder set to not sync and they still show up in my google photos. 3 a day I have to delete.
Same with me. Do you have a Video album that contains Wyze event clips? I just disabled that album backup also, so we’ll see what happens.
Do you have the same non-matching count issue that I’m having? Photos vs. Albums vs. Wyze app?The number of events don’t match across the various locations.
I believe the folders will only contain event clips that you viewed because the app downloads them to your phone in order to view them. So if you got 8 events but only viewed 2 of them, only 2 would show up in the folders.
For reference, I have 7 folders that are Wyze-related (cam, manual, Video, Snapshot, capture, and two folders named with the MAC address of two cams), but I’m running the beta app and have had other versions of the app on this phone. It might be easier to disable Backup & Sync on all folders except your phone’s Camera folder.
re: “I believe the folders will only contain event clips that you viewed because the app downloads them to your phone in order to view them. So if you got 8 events but only viewed 2 of them, only 2 would show up in the folders.”
I always view all events. We’re tracking raccoons that try to get into the garage through the (now-locked-at-night) cat door.
I wonder if it matters how I view the events. Scrolling through all of them in the app (like when I get up in the morning) or one or 2 at time (like when my insomnia kicks in
I’ll try to keep track of my methods vs. what ends up in the Photos sections/albums.
Of course, none of that explains why it’s happening on this phone but didn’t on the previous one.
Sorry for the long delay is responding. Way too busy at work and home. SWMBO goes on vacation, I stay home and paint half the house. Sucks!
Anyway, disabling cloud backup on both the cam and Video folders stopped the clips from ending up in the Google Photos app on my phone.
I’m not sure why only a subset of the clips were ending up in Photos, but I don’t care anymore since the problem has been solved.
Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.
This is an older post but is exactly my problem… how did you “disabling cloud backup on both the cam and Video folders stopped the clips from ending up in the Google Photos app on my phone”?
Was it in the Wyze App or on your phone? I only see disabling my camera folder on the phone and I want photos backed up. Thank you in advance for any help.