How to set Home Waypoint

Is there a specific trick to setting the home or default waypoint setting?

On several occasions I’ve thought I had it figured out only to have it changed. Possibly from a update or trying out tracking. Tracking was leaving it on last place of movement, and never returned to home.

Example I want the home/default to look down the driveway. Tracking to follow anyone coming towards the house and front door or carport.
But, say after they are out of sight, say by coming inside, I want it to return to looking down the driveway.

If you have motion tracking enabled, once motion stops it returns to the last place you manually put it. If you enable a detection zone (even if you just grey out one block, or maybe you don’t have to grey any out) that becomes your home position so even if you manually move it, it will return back to that.

So basically turn off track motion, put the camera where you want “home” to be. Set a waypoint there just so you have an easy way to return it home if you ever need to, go in and set a detection zone and save it, then re-enable motion tracking.

For what it’s worth, I don’t have a Detection Zone enabled on any of my Cam Pan v3s, but I do have three Waypoints set on each, and I use Track Motion. When I have things set the way I want, I just tap the particular Waypoint that I want to be the “home” view while I’m looking at a camera’s live view, and that becomes the spot the camera looks at whenever it’s done tracking whatever motion triggers its movement.

I’ve read @dave27’s descriptions of how enabling a Detection Zone works, too, but I haven’t found it to be necessary, so I think you can probably try it with or without. :man_shrugging:

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Yeah wherever you set it manually (or using waypoint, same diff) is home when you don’t have a detection zone. I only suggest it as it seems like people move the camera to see something then forget to tap the home waypoint to move it back where it is supposed to be, so now wherever you left it becomes home until you remember to move it back. It’s just a safety net. Especially if you share the cam with others it can become an issue, but I even find myself forgetting to tap the waypoint after looking at something manually, so even the one that does not need a DZ I set one to have that functionality. A matter of personal preference obviously.

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Makes sense. If it’s workin’ for ya, then why change it?

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