How to save footage out of Wyze OG Cam

As you likely discovered, there is a folder for every date, and within that a folder for every hour, and within that a file for every minute. As IEatBeans asked, does it all play right if played from within the app. That will at least confirm that the files are there. One other thing about identifying files - do you have the on screen clock enabled. That makes it far easier to tell when you are watching.
As for playing from the uSD card on your computer, I have always used VLC and it will play all the files in order automagically as long as they are put into the same folder (copy to the computer hard disk - don’t modify the uSD card). Note that crossing hours does create an issue since the filenames are the same for each hour. Windows does not like that…
There are programs out there that will stitch the files together automatically, but off hand, I don’t know names.