Creates a Wyze Account
Installs the Camera via the Wyze app
Accepts the 14-day Cam Plus trial (for longer clips)
Adjusts the settings to record Events
Accesses them via the Events tab
From the Events tab:
Select and PLAY an Event
Select either or from the displayed Event video
You can’t post directly from the Wyze app to the Forum
If you’re ok with Sharing all your stuff to Youtube (privacy, etc) file size won’t matter. Once shared, copy the link and paste it into your Topic on the Wyze Forum.
A little harder Download the Event to the System Gallery of your device
From there you can determine the size of the file
Videos up to 5.86 MB can be uploaded to the forum
Sign-in to the Forum, Create a New Topic, choose a Category, upload your video into the Topic
Videos of ANY SIZE can be shared to Youtube from here as well (see ‘Easiest’ above)
A Youtube link will appear ‘inline’ as a video on the Forum - and on most other platforms!
Some things to know:
-You cannot post directly from the Wyze app to the Forum
-You can only post a single Event at a time
-You must select and PLAY an Event to access the needed controls
-The size of the Event determines how you can post it
-You can drag-and-drop a file directly into a post
-A new user of the Forum may need to have a moderator upgrade their initial trust level to upload
-A Youtube link will appear ‘inline’ as a video on the Forum - and on most other platforms!
-Some say Google is evil.
You cannot determine the size of an Event until you save it to the System Gallery (nowhere within the app, including the Events tab and the Album, is the file size of an Event or other saved clip discoverable.)
Videos up to 5.86 MB can be uploaded to the forum
Videos of ANY SIZE can be shared to Youtube and its link manually posted to the forum.
As you create a new Topic, provide a Title, choose a Category (1), select the first Tag (2), and another list will open for you to select the second (3).
this is great thanks. I also create a video by using iPhone or iPad screen capture and then upload it to youtube, save it private and share the link. Works great as well for longer videos.