How to maximize security?

If I want to maximize security, is it true that without a subscription, if I configure it that way, the camera only stores recordings locally and only uploads snapshots to the server? In this case, even for example Wyze developers wouldn’t have access to the records? Would this make it more secure in the event of a hacker attack?

That is accurate. Cloud videos are only uploaded when a subscription is active.

Hmm…using the cloud isn’t necessarily “more secure” from hackers in any way. It does provide some redundancy safety, so even if an intruder breaks your camera, you would have a copy of that footage in the cloud (for up to 14-60 days), but if you are worried about remote hackers, the an SD card is better and less risky overall. Hackers realistically aren’t much of a threat through.

If you really want to maximize your security against hackers, get a good router with an automatic firewall. Setup the router to use the “Guest Network” or turn on what is called “Device Isolation”. Setup 2 factor authentication for your Wyze account and use a password you don’t use anywhere else. These basic simple things will make it extremely difficult for a hacker to access your cameras.

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What makes it more difficult for hackers to access recordings stored on a memory card? Does it matter whether the records is stored encrypted or just plain? I have a Eufy camera in my garden and a Wyze v4 indoors-Eufy stores recordings encrypted.

  • Reduced risk from data breaches that can happen with large cloud storage operations being targetted by hackers.
  • Limited Network Exposure: Since the data is stored locally, it is not transmitted over the internet, minimizing the chances of interception by hackers.

To me, only if you are afraid of one of 2 things:

  1. A burglar will physically access the SD card and might see what was recorded on there if it is not encrypted
  2. Law Enforcement or a lawyer may use a subpoena or court order to force you to turn over the video recordings…which is harder to enforce if it is encrypted (they could force you to turn over the SD card, but they can’t force you to give up a password in your head that would unlock it).

Some people consider the two options above to semantics and think they’re basically the same thing :upside_down_face: [/s]

Personally, I don’t worry about encryption too much unless I was going to have it in a really privacy-sensitive area. But yes, of course encrypted is more secure in the sense nobody else can view it without your cooperation…but considering nobody can ever view the SD card recordings unless they gain physical access to it, I don’t panic too much about that. But yeah, if you are concerned they will do that, then cloud recordings would help offer some redundancy if someone stole the card.

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Cloud connected cams are not secure. Period. There have been breaches of Wyze and pretty much every other brand out there. Just last year videos were mistakenly shown to other user accounts. Who knows what back doors are in the chipsets and firmwares.

Do not put cloud or even any internet exposed camera in a private space you would not want seen.

Closed circuit hardwired cams with a VPN required to access them remotely is the only secure solution for having cams in private spaces.

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I strive for the most secure solution, but I don’t like wired cameras. Among Wi-Fi products, I assume Wyze is reliable if I set it up for local recording only, without an online subscription. Right? It’s important for me to be able to check what happened on my phone—it’s very convenient.

It’s in my hall. :grinning_face: Or is that not a good idea? Where did you put yours?

I have one camera indoors in the mud room (main entrance) and since it’s the only way in house it sees whom enters.

Even that camera I have off when home via a non-wyze smart plug tied to turn ON when home security alarm is set to Away, and it turns OFF when disarmed or set to Stay mode.

As stated by others there have been mishaps that put others video feeds to the wrong user, and security breaches all documented in the news

Myself I am slowly moving away from Wyze and replacing with non-cloud based system of cams.

No, even if you have an SD card and do local recording, your camera and the footage on it is connected to Wyze servers and the internet.

It is NOT secure. There have been breaches before, I’m sure there will be breaches again. And that’s just widespread issues, doesn’t include the possibility of someone hacking your individual account, etc.

All my Wyze cams are outside, and I have two right inside the doors to my house viewing only those doors, no other interior area.

Same here, except for a couple inside, all are outside. And I even replaced them with floodlights; the wider FOV allowed me to decrease the camera count, too.

The indoor cameras are aimed at things that don’t matter.

Speaking of security, I remember you are on Asus TUF-AX3000 V2 router. Remember to update to the latest firmware. Back in Nov 2024, there was a AiCloud vulnerability issue which was bricking devices too. Personally, I don’t use AiCloud, but you should update regardless.

Alternatively, you can run Asuswrt-Merlin by downloading GNUton’s fork version here which supports your router.