How do I know Duo Cam is charging

How can I know if my Duo Cam is wired? It only show 100% but no sign it is wired…

If it stays at 100%, it is wired. You can also shut off your transformer long enough for it to fall to like 95% then turn it back on and watch it charge back to 100.

Sometimes it has 100% with a lighting symbol sometimes it doesn’t. But the battery never drops below 100%. This causes recording cannot go into SD card

For example:

It is normal to see battery powered devices top off the charge from time to time when plugged in. If they charged the battery constantly, it would ruin the battery quickly. Seeing that charge symbol means it is hardwired (unless you’ve plugged in the USB charger or something).

I’m not sure what you’re talking about with the SD card? Why would the battery have to drop below 100% in order to record to SD?

When connected to a power source, like a transformer, the battery should have a plug overlayed on the image.

I was experience the plug missing a few weeks ago, I removed the doorbell to see if a wire was loose, took battery out to make sure and replaced with another battery. Seemed to correct it for a short period of time.

Then I received the latest beta update and it has been fine since