Wired Wyze Duo Cam showing low battery

Help! i specifically selected the Duo Cam doorbell to be wired so I wouldn’t need to replace batteries. It is wired into my doorbell but on the app is now (after 2 months) showing a low battery. I expected to never replace this battery. Please advise!

Coincidentally, the battery in my not-wired Duo lasted 2 months. No SD card. Looks like the wires aren’t charging your battery.

First check the wiring and make sure it is connected right and showing that it is charging/wired.

If it is, check your transformer. Minimum is 16V 10VA however that likely won’t be enough to run it and keep it fully charged. Many transformers in houses are old and don’t put out what they were rated for anymore too.

Replacement transformers (go for like 20V 20VA at least) are cheap on Amazon.

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