How do I fix the rooms that the Wyze vacuum is unable to detect properly?

I got the Wyze Vacuum last night and it works excellent so far except for properly identifying different rooms. I’ve had it re-scan two extra times so far and it still combines several rooms into one despite there being walls in between them.
When it rescans it combines the living room, dinning room, kitchen/laundry area, bathroom, and my master bedroom into one area. I was able to split the area between my master bedroom and the living room into two different areas but the living room includes part of the kitchen (Room 6), and the master bedroom includes the master bathroom and part of the kitchen (Room 5) and I am unable to split the kitchen halves from the other areas because the app will not allow you to split north to south on areas that are already split. I am also unable to split the Bathroom from The master Bedroom and the Kitchen/Laundry area.
The Game Room, Hallway, and Guest Bathroom were also all one room but I was able to split those due to it finding walls.
As you can see in the image there is an intervening wall in Room 6 (the yellow dot is the vacuum at it’s charging station against that wall). To the right is the living room and on the other side of that wall area in the center is part of the kitchen. For some reason when I click to split Room 6 the wall behind the charging station gets greyed out and will not allow me to use it to split the area.
Does anyone know how to split the areas it will not let me split in the app?

It considers that area an island, splitting on an island is not supported.

I rarely need to clean specific areas so I have minimal splits and just use spot clean. I found it more reliable with fewer splits, also because it would do more cleaning at the splits and was able to extend the battery which I need every bit I can get.

I have more here to do with updating maps…

The problem with that is I want to set it to schedule certain rooms at certain times. Mostly when I am work, but I want it to avoid the master bedroom because that’s where my dog chills when I am work.
My dog doesn’t like the vacuum and avoids it while I have seen my cat follow it on my cameras. Tonight my dog was barking at it after it had docked and the hair on her back was up which was hilarious. I want it to do my Master bedroom when I take her for her walk, which I would probably run spot cleaning then.
I want it to only do certain rooms at certain days and it can’t do the whole house in one sweep because of the amount of pet hair. The little res would fill up fast.

There is a possible workaround, but I never tried it… Place something like cardboard on one of the sides, to “connect” the island to the outer main wall during a scan.

Not totally sure how it will work from that point on.

I do split bedrooms, hallways, I just don’t split the dining, kitchen, living room which has the island problem. I run that big area first early, then the hallway, bedroom later once it’s back up to charge.

I am thinking that may work because that bathroom has two doors and I had them both open when it was doing the scans. If I close at least one door and let it scan then it might make that island a wall…

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Isn’t it insane that after hundreds of posts about this Wyze hasn’t fixed this? Just let people draw lines from any two points. This can’t be hard. It makes me not want to purchase Wyze products if they aren’t going to do updates for years to fix obvious problems.

I get this, it was the primary reason for this post. You’d think that after a few years they’d have it set so it was easier to manipulate.
I did solve the issue by running another quick map but this time I closed one of my master bathroom doors. Instead of detecting the area in the middle as an island it detected it as a wall due because the one bathroom door was closed.

The thing is their customer service is still at least a little better than a lot of other companies with similar products in my experience and Wyze products are still much less expensive.