We recently changed our WiFi name and password. When I tried to reconnect the camera, I accidentally peeled off the QR code as it was mounted with some double sided tape and subsequently it now can not read it. Is there a way to connect the camera without the QR? Thanks in advance.
Not that QR code.
When you set up a Wyze camera, the QR code is displayed on your phone, and you use the camera to scan it.
The first time I did this, I also thought the instructions were referring to a printed QR code. A little change in the instructions should make this clear. Not everyone watches setup videos.
@elle_belle Here is a video that may help you connect the camera to your local network.
Why can’t the app itself show this video?
It obviously already has a video player. The video file itself is already hosted in its own servers. All it needs is a link to the video file.
there’s a set up video?
sorry, late start, just sipping coffee, feeling snarky
Yes, StopICU33 linked to it, above, a youtube video
There is a way to access this video through the Wyze app but you have to go through a maze of menus to get to it. Account Tab > Help & Feedback > Click on Wyze Cam > Click on Getting Started Guide > Wyze Cam Setup Guide.
It would be more user friendly to have a link to the video on the Home Tab, but with all of the new products being added there is going be a problem with that most likely.
Maybe not on the home tab, but right there on the set up prompts. Like a button that says, “Here is a setup video if you prefer” or something to that effect. And the user can take a detour and then come back to setup.
I haven’t seen a topic requested for this in the #wishlist thread, so maybe it’s something that could be added. It would be very helpful for beginners.
When you get to the “Scan QR Code” page of the setup, there is a link entitled “Show me how” that you can press.
I am trying to install the Wyze cam. It is getting stuck as the cam is unable to read the QR code on the phone. Any clues?
Hi, @mishrarp. Welcome to the community! If you have an extra phone or device, try scanning the QR code with one of those. What device are you currently using and what’s the OS version? Also, make sure you have downloaded the correct Wyze app.