Thank you! That did it. I’d figured out the raising of the detects mode option…the rest I hadn’t figured out. And it does seem like it sends me short videos even though I don’t have an SD card in them yet. Interesting. Fun to watch what they do when I’m not there. My biggest fear was that they had iPads and were ordering goat treats and charging them to my credit card. ; > No sign of a goat iPad yet thank goodness! Thank you so much…hopefully there’ll be no more issues. -Kathrin
The cams will capture short videos (12 sec or so) and send them to the cloud without an SDcard. That’s the ‘basic’ Wyze offering: short video clips and notifications that something happened, but no more frequently than once every 5 minutes. (the 5-minute ‘cool down’ is per camera). You only need to add an SD card if you want to record more intensely. For example, longer than a 12 second clip, or more often than every 5 minutes. When recording to an SDcard, the minimum size of a video is 1 minute. And if you want, you can configure the cam to record continuously. That could be useful if you want to capture the arrival of a new kid that the 5-minute cool down interval would probably miss.
Thank you for clarifying the basic vs SDcard video options. I’m mostly using these to monitor for signs of labor so I can make sure I’m there. I haven’t missed a single birth in the last 4 years. It’s so amazing to have babies born into my hands, to welcome them, have them imprint on my voice, etc. I’m about to enter the season of massive amounts of cuteness!
We need some pictures or it’s all just an internet rumor!! )
Seriously though - the SD cards are a little limited - you need to stay under 32GB (its a FAT [file allocation table] limit) for reliability. There are many threads on different SD cards,
Ask if you want more info.
Thanks…I got some when I ordered the cameras but I don’t generally expect to need to record and store anything. It’s really about seeing who is in labor and heading up to the barn to monitor in person. I’m going to make it through the first round of births this coming week and then have a few weeks before the next round. If I find out that storing videos or viewing longer videos would be helpful I’ll look around for more advice or come back here if this thread is still around and ask you. : >
Actually…I DO have another question. I’m not sure how to turn on Push Notifications so right now I’m only getting notifications from one camera out of the 7. I’ve looked through all the settings I can find to no avail. I’m sure one of you knows…?
There are three places to control push notifications:
Per camera in the cameras Settings > Event Recording > Send Push Notification. This can be controlled by the camera owner or shared user and will affect both. This does affect Smoke/CO Alarm push notifications.
Globally on an account basis by tapping the bell icon on the top right of the home screen, or using the switch in Account > Notifications. This affects only the owners or shared users login account on all devices they have logged in to the Wyze app.
In the phone’s OS settings, which can enable or disable all notifications from any particular app. This applies to only that particular phone/tablet. (Note: this is not possible in some versions of Android.)
You can think of the three notification control options as three concentric rings or gates. If the inner gate (level-1, per camera) is closed, no notifications get beyond that level. If the gate is open, then the notification can attempt to get past the next level (level-2, account), etc.
Thank you for your clarity around that. I see that the Push Notifications is on for all my cameras but only the sheep are becoming movie stars. The rest of the cameras are not letting me know when something is happening although I can check the livestream of course. The Detection settings are high on all of the cameras so I’m not sure why and I’ve been up since 5:30 and will be waking up at 5:30 tomorrow so I better go crash and sleep but I’ll check back here tomorrow sometime… Thank you!
Along with Send Push Notification, you have Detects Motion turned on for all cameras too, right?
I have the motion detection settings turned up on all cameras to 90 or more. I think I’ll watch how they work today. I’ve gotten a couple of motion alerts from other cameras but from the sheep camera I’ve gotten about 40 so there’s a huge difference and it’s not that the sheep were having a party either. They were doing about the same amount of movement as the goats. I’ll see how it goes today I guess…seems like all the settings are where they need to be. Thank you for checking in on the motion detecting setting.