Home Monitoring Battery change

So I switched the batteries iny door and motion sensors on the weekend and now the alarm sets but has detected an entry and a motion alert to set off the alarm with none there. Do you need to delete the devices and start over once you change the batteries to eliminate the errors??

No, the sensors should just work. Are you getting alerts frequently?

I just did it on the weekend for the door sensor and motion sensor. They both seemed to work fine in the test mode then. Today I set the alarm and it gave me an entry alert and then a motion alert and set off the alarm. Very odd. I turned it off remotely and tried again in test mode and a few moments after setting it, the same thing happened. Never had any issues for a year . The only thing that’s changed is the batteries.

Beginning to suspect a problem after the app update. Several people have noted that automations for Home, Away and Disarmed aren’t working properly either.

Just got a motion alert at 4:30 am and alarm triggered. Nothing there and I installed a new sensor a week ago. I haven’t had an issue till this morning. I deleted the old one and installed a new sensor last week and still getting false directions. Not sure what to do now. I guess I’ll have to contact support and see what options the give.

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