I would like to rask if it would be possible to add into the audio warning section a Message in Spanish such as Hola, lo estamos grabando which means HELLO WE ARE RECORDING YOU in Spanish… since at the moment you can only use English as default Language when the camera detects someone.

thank you in Advance,

I have the English only version of this sign in front of my house.

That’s cool, but I meant on a firmware base, so you can use instead of English the Spanish version of the Recording ¨Hi, you are currently been recordado.

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Have you listened to any audio coming from a Wyze speaker?

I will say after I played around with the speaker, that’s why I went with a sign.

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Yes I do and it sounds loud and clear :slight_smile:

I haven’t checked in a while. I remember it sounded like the drive-thru at McDonald’s but weaker.

My Wyze v3 audio sounds just slightly better than this video.


I just turned the warning on for the first time on my V4 driveway cam, it was loud clear. I turned it back off because if they are in the driveway they can see the cam anyway.
If I can get my V4 Critter cam to learn :raccoon: language I might turn that one on. :grin:

My experiences…

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Applicable wishlist to support and vote on!